Pro-Stride for Horses

We're excited to offer Pro Stride (Autologous Protein Solution) as a steroid-free alternative to traditional joint injections. ProStride is highly effective, safe and cost-saving compared to traditional IRAP and other regenerative therapies. 


Check out this video showing the Pro-Stride procedure from start to finish! 


Frequently Asked Questions About Pro-Stride


What is Pro-Stride?

Pro-stride is a joint injection, made from your horse’s own blood. It provides anti-inflammatory effects and pain control.


How long does Pro-Stride last?

Lameness is often improved for a year after a single Pro-Stride injection, but the effect may be shorter or longer depending on the severity of the horse’s joint disease.


How does Pro-Stride work?

Pro-Stride concentrates the blood’s natural anti-inflammatory proteins. When this highly concentrated solution is injected into a joint, it binds and stops the inflammatory proteins that are causing pain and cartilage destruction.


Are there risks?

There is a risk any time a joint is injected with any substance. Inflammation or infection of the joint, while very rare, can occur with any injectable substance. We make every effort to ensure sterility of the injection, and often administer an anti-inflammatory at the time of injection.


Are there side effects?

Pro-Stride is very safe when administered into a joint. Unlike steroid injection, there are no known long-term risks of Pro-Stride injections. It is also safe to use in joints that have previously been injected with steroids.


How is Pro-Stride made?

The entire process of making and injecting Pro-Stride is completed within about 30 minutes, and is performed at your barn! After drawing blood from your horse, we complete three processing steps using special concentrator tubes and a centrifuge. The final product is injected into the affected joint(s) immediately!


How much does Pro-Stride cost?

Pro-Stride injection costs about twice the amount of a typical steroid joint injection, but about half the cost of traditional IRAP therapy. Costs may vary based on affected joint and amount of Pro-Stride used, so please call or email for a specific estimate!